
鄭志中 副教授

鄭志中 副教授





國立成功大學 / 應用數學研究所 / 博士
國立成功大學 / 應用數學研究所 / 碩士
國立彰化師範大學 / 數學系 / 學士
微積分、統計學、工程數學、作業研究、財金數學、 統計應用方法、企業研究方法、生產與作業管理

  1. 南榮技術學院 / 財務金融學系 / 專任副教授
  2. 南榮技術學院 / 企業管理系 / 專任副教授
  3. 南榮技術學院 / 企業管理系 / 專任助理教授

A. 期刊論文 (Journal Article)

  1. Y .Y. Huang* and T. J. Huang and J. C. Jeng, On common fixed points of semigroups in compact metric spaces, Indian J. Pure. Appl. Math. 27 (1996), 1073-1076. (SCI)
  2. Y .Y .Huang* and J .C . Jeng, Approximating fixed points by iteration processes, Indian J. Pure. Appl. Math. 28(1997), 129-138. (SCI)
  3. T. H. Chang, Y. Y. Huang*, J. C. Jeng and K. K. Kuo, On S-KKM property and related topic, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 229 (1999), 212-227. (SCI)
  4. Y. Y. Huang* and J. C. Jeng, Fixed point theorems of the park type in S-KKM class, Nonlinear Forum 5, (2000), 51-59.
  5. T. H. Chang, Y. Y. Huang* and J. C. Jeng, Fixed point theorem for multifunction in S-KKM class. Nonlinear Analysis, (2001), 1007-1017. (SCI)
  6. J. C. Jeng and Y. Y. Huang*, Some best approximation theorems for Ky Fan type. Indian Journal of Mathematics, 43 (2001), 359-366.
  7. J. C. Jeng*, Y. Y. Huang and H. L. Zhang, Characterization of maps having the KKM Property. Soochow Journal of mathematics 28(2002), 329-338.
  8. J. C. Jeng*, Y. Y. Huang and H. C. Hsu, Fixed point theorems for multifunctions having KKM property on almost convex sets, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 319(2006),187-198. (SCI)
  9. J. C. Jeng*, Y. Y. Huang and T. Y. Kuo, Fixed point theorems for multimaps having KKM property on G-convex uniform spaces. JP Jour. Fixed Point Theory & Appl. 1-1(2006), 1-13.
  10. T. Y. Kuo, J. C. Jeng* and Y. Y. Huang, Fixed point theorems for compact multimaps on almost G -convex sets in generalized convex spaces, Nonlinear Analysis 66-2(2007), 415-426. (SCI)
  11. T. Y. Kuo*, Y. Y. Huang, J. C. Jeng and C. Y. Shih, Coincidence and fixed point theorems for functions in S-KKM class on generalized convex spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications (2006), Article ID 72184, 9 pages,. doi: 10.1155/FPTA/2006/72184 (SCIE)
  12. Y. Y. Huang, T. Y. Kuo, J. C. Jeng* and C. Y. Lin, Fixed points of multimaps on admissible almost convex sets in topological vector spaces. Soochow Journal of mathematics 33-3(2007 ), 399-413.
  13. Y. Y. Huang, T. Y. Kuo and J. C. Jeng*, Fixed Point Theorems for Condensing Multimaps on Locally G-convex Spaces. Nonlinear Analysis 67(2007), 1522-1531. (SCI)
  14. Y. Y. Huang, T. Y. Kuo and J. C. Jeng*, Coincidence and fixed points for families of multimaps, Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications 2008
  15. Y. Y. Huang, T. Y. Kuo and J. C. Jeng*, Fixed point theorem for condensing maps in S-KKM Class, Int. Journal of Math. Analysis 2008
  16. 鄭志中、吳文瑞, 企業建置ERP系統之研究-以光洋應用材料公司為例,南榮學報第十二期(2009).
  17. 吳文瑞、侯森棟、鄭志中,t-結構與t-設計,南榮學報第十二期(2009).
  18. Yew-Dann Chen, Young-Ye Huang, Tian-Yuan Kuo and Jyh-Chung Jeng* Coincidence and Fixed Points on Product Generalized Convex Spaces International Mathematical Forum, 5, 19(2010) 903-922
  19. Young-Ye Huang, Yew-Dann Chen, Tian-Yuan Kuo and Jyh-Chung Jeng*
  20. Maximizable Quasiconcave Functions and Coincidence Point Theorems on G-Convex Spaces, Oriental Journal of Mathematics Volume 5, (2011)15-31
  21. Young-Ye Huang, Jyh-Chung Jeng, Tian-Yuan Kuo and Chung-Chien Hong*, Fixed point and weak convergence theorems for point-dependent λ–hybrid mappings in Banach spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:105 doi:10.1186/1687-1812-2011-105(SCI)
  22. Tian-Yuan Kuo, Jyh-Chung Jeng, Young-Ye Huang and Chung-Chien Hong*, Fixed point and weak convergence theorems for (α,β)-hybrid mappings in Banach spaces, Abstract and Applied Analysis. Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 789043, 12 pages doi:10.1155/2012/789043 (SCI)

B. 研討會論文 (Conference Paper)

  1. A unified approach to coincidence theorems in S-KKM Class with Application, 凸性分析與非線性分析研討會, 彰化師大數學系, 2000.
  2. 鄭志中. 產品代言人對代言商品的影響. 海峽兩岸學術研討會(2009)
  3. 鄭志中. 影響顧客保留的因素–以電信服務業者為例. 海峽兩岸學術研討會(2009)


  1. 廣義凸空間上兩凸集之分離問題 行政院國家科學委員會 共同主持人
  2. 廣義局論中的平衡點理論 行政院國家科學委員會 主持人
  3. 非 凸集合上的定點,平衡點理論 行政院國家科學委員會 主持人
  4. 對非自身集值映射之Fan-Browder形式的定點理論 行政院國家科學委員會 主持人